This novel follows the life of its characters who reside in, or once resided in, Kalimpong at the foothills of the Himalayas. The central character is Sai, an orphaned young girl who shows up at the doorstep of her grandfather, a judge, to live with him and their cook. The story studies her life, the judge's, the cook's and his son who is an illegal immigrant working the restaurant circuit in NYC, and various other characters who live near them in the small village town. The novel is set around the time that the local Nepalese are seeking a seperate state in India and traces their village as it goes from idyllic and ideal to absolute unspeakable chaos and violence.
Though the book clearly showcases her wisdom and beautiful insights to life, there really is no clear solid plot in this novel. Its more a reflection of the characters and the lives they lived and who they were. And though it is a reflection of characters... Desai does not let us get too close to them. Her descriptions are lacking, the self reflection of their feelings is seldom... None of the characters are described to a degree where you can truly picture them, none really attain any degree of affection to the reader as they are presented distanced and disaffected.
Perhaps Desai wanted it that way, because her novel is really more than just about the people and the plot in and of itself but about the issues that the people of India have suffered with post-colonialism. She explains quite well the different ways that colonialism has affected the people of India by tracing different people in different social classes and age groups. I also loved the cook's son Biju's storyline and reading about what it was like to be an illegal immigrant in NYC struggling to make it through.
I feel that Inheritance is an important book for its highlighting of important issues, but for a book with good storytelling and plot or character development, I would not read this particular novel, but instead would easily recommend Zadie Smith or Khalid Hussein any day.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
High Fidelity, Nick Hornsby

Thursday, March 01, 2007
On Beauty, Zadie Smith

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Kite Runner, by Khalid Husseini

There is a scene **warning spoiler to follow* where the protagnoist returns to Afghanistan after many years and as he eats at the home of a villager he sees the children staring fixed at what he thinks is his watch. He removes it and gives it to them as a gift. They seem polite about this gift yet uninterested. It is only later he learns that the host in an effort to be gracious fed them all the food they had for the entire family and the children were staring at the food from pangs of hunger and not at his watch. It was a powerful point in the book for me about perspective.
I loved this book and I consider it one of my favorite books of all time.
Muhammad, by: Karen Armstrong

The book jumps around quite a bit but if you make it through to the end you will be glad you did.
the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, by: mark haddon

The book is a bit unconventional in its writing style. Almost written in a diary format from the child. So if you don't mind the different writing style and the perspective that you have to read a little bit into to understand, this is a great book and why I call it a 5/5. I simply can't find anything to put down.
The End, by Lemony Snicket

****Warning: Spoilers follow*****
I understand that everything would not be wrapped up nicely in a bow with this story. It is after all, a miserable story of children met with obstacles and tragedy every step of their way. But absolutely nothing was resolved. The sugarbowl that we followed for three books? Nothing. The twins that were kidnapped? Nothing. Most of the mysteries that we followed through and salivated for were left open. I guess the Olaf stuff was dealt with and you sort of empathise with the villain. You understand a bit more about the parents of the siblings. But not much more. And the only thing David Handler could tell us is that you can't tie things up in a bow because life does not work like that. Yes, David you can't tie things up in a bow because life does not work like that but this is a fictional fantastical story and you are a writer and you owe your readers some conclusion. I think he may be planning sequels to the saga to explain some of these mysteries but I for one won't be contributing to any more of his sales. I'd hate to encourage this sort of irresponsible storytelling.
The Spiral Staircase, by: Karen Armstrong

At least for me she echoed many of the fears and pain that I myself have experienced in life. For example, there is a point where she attends a get together after leaving the convent and as she stands there in the lights and watches the dancing and drinking she says For a second, I felt a pang of envy, I would have loved to be able to do that, to be so wild uninhibited and free. These students were living fully and intensely in a way that I could not.. It must be a marvelous feeling. But it has never been possible. At a very impressionable age, my body was schooled in quite other rhythms, and it has for better or worse, taken the print. I had found to my considerable sorrow that even though I no longer belonged in the convent, I did not belong out here either. In her completely different experience I could find and relate to her feelings of being the odd one out, wanting desperately to fit in, and knowing it would never be possible.
She is a gifted historian and explains how she came to be a writer on religious history, but her prose and descriptive talents are also brilliant. I hope one day she writes fiction, I know she would write well.
Bird By Bird, by Ann Lamott

My advice would be if you are seeking a book on writing that writes to the novice writer but also provides you with excellent advice on publishing would be to read Stephen King's book "On Writing" that is absolutely superb.
Eats Shoots and Leaves, by Lynne Truss

Single Wife, by: Nina Solomon

The title was intriguing and the jacket promised an interesting story of a woman whose husband does not come home one day. This is nothing unusual. He frequently disappears unexplained and then just returns home and life resumes as normal. Outside of this issue they have a good mariage. Until one day he leaves and he doesnt return for what seems like forever. The story follows her as she pretends to the world he still lives there and the excuses and issues she must now struggle on, on her own.
Sounds interesting doesn't it? Its a royal shame such an intriguing plot was wasted on such terrible writing and character and plot development. The heroine of the novel is a spineless person and the author does nothing at all to help us understand her thoughts or feelings.
It's a book that could've been a page turner. couldv'e provoked deep thoughts on marriage and being single. But it didn't and for that reason, for the complete waste of potential I give it zero points.
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