Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hungry Woman in Paris- Lopez (Book #41)

I was super psyched to read this book about a woman in Paris searching for herself and what she wants. Canela leaves the US for Paris after breaking up with her fiancee and the tragic suicide of her beloved cousin. She attends cooking school and learns about herself and life. I thought this would be the perfect chick lit novel to get lost in but instead what I got was a poorly written novel with strange obscenity. But let's leave the obscenity to the side for a moment. As an aspiring writer the number one rule I hear is "SHOW don't TELL". This novel was all telling telling telling. There was very little expanding on any character other than Canela, the main character. Huge issues like her helping a woman escape an abusive relationship were explained in two pages with a paragraph summary of "she found a job and there were promises of more to come." I have heard that her screen play "Real Women Have Curves" was excellent and I still want to see it, but I think I'd leave the novel writing for another day.

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